「♪ Down the way 夜は陽気な Where the nights are gay 通りを下り And the sun shines daily 毎日明るい太陽が on the mountaintop 山頂に輝く I took a trip on a sailing ship 僕はそんな島ジャマイカに And when I reached Jamaica I made a stop 帆船で着いた
But I'm sad to say I'm on my way 言うのは哀しいけどまだ旅の途中 Won't be back for many a day しばらくは帰れないんだ My heart is down 僕の心は落ち込んだが My head is turning around 踵を返し キングストンに I had to leave a little girl in Kingston town 彼女を残して去らねばならなかった